5 principles of effective Biophilic Design

Natural Design Habitat 🌿

5 principles of effective
Biophilic Design


Biophilic design generates an emotional attachment through natural shapes and forms as well as vivid patterns. The spirit created in the space promotes delight and healing emotions

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Biophilic design is linked to direct contact with vegetation and our natural environment. A nature-filled space fosters moments of connection and relaxation 

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Biophilic design requires the integration of decorative elements in interiors that echo natural light and lifelike colors. This Design evokes a sense of comfort and hope

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Biophilic design is emphasized via the use of organic materials and restorative patterns, satisfying our innate inclination to affiliate ourselves with nature. Our sensory systems focus on soothing tones, reflexion and stillness

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Biophilic design is about creating caring places, encouraging interactions and shared inspirations  between people and the natural environment, increasing a sense of belonging to a meaningful community

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